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Site Management Training

All NIH StrokeNet Regional Coordinator Center (RCC) Managers should have competency in general stroke research coordination. Please refer to the NIH StrokeNet Coordinator Training Guidance document.
Training Source
Site Management Log into intranet and navigate to your RCC’s documents under the Community tab to review/update your local site management SOP .
Financial management Post-Award Grant Administration


Additional suggested local training activities:


Training Decription
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NIH StrokeNet Training

The following outlines training on StrokeNet-specific procedures and platforms that a new RCC Manager will need to be familiar with.
Training Source
NIH StrokeNet Organization SOP ADM17
RCC Management SOP
NIH StrokeNet SOPs SOPs
Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR)
Guidance for Managing Competing Trials
Guidance for Competing Trials.


Trial-Specific Training

Each NIH StrokeNet trial has specific requirements that may include protocol, coordinator, pharmacy or clinical assessment training. Those requirements are outlined in the trial Manual of Procedures and the associated resources are posted on the WebDCU™ Training Center.  RCC Managers may or may not be actively participating in trials, however they are responsible for ……………….


Additional Resources

  • WebDCU™ Training Center: In addition to trial-specific training, this website also houses additional training resources. WebDCU™ Login: WebDCU™ is the Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) for all StrokeNet trials.
  • NIH StrokeNet: The NIH StrokeNet website provides general information, houses webinar recordings and other important educational tools.
  • Advarra: Sites are responsible for submitting reportable events to Advarra for trials that utilize this CIRB.
  • Blue Cloud offers some free training resources (NIHSS, mRS, GCP training) if your institution does not have them.